Thursday, 28 August 2014

What is Green Tea

Green tea also called "True" tea comes from the plant species Camellia sinensis. In Other words Green Tea is simply a tea which has undergone little oxidation while it was processed. Green tea is popular and widely drank in countries like China, Japan, Korea and the middle east and recently it's demand has increased in the west here Black Tea was more consumed. Consumption of Tea dates back to China, it was first brewed in 2737 BC during the reign of Emperor Shennong. Green Tea was and is still used as a beverage and as a medicine in asia since thousand of years. Basic benefits  of Green Tea range from regulating Blood Pressure  , body temperature and promoting digestion.

A recent research showed the evidence that consumption of green tea can prevent Cancer of certain types like prostate, ovarian, breast but the research was considered as "inadequate and inconclusive".  Green tea lowers the level of cholesterol. In other researches , it was found that drinking green tea also reduction in risks of different sort of cancer, diseases like Dementia & Alzheimer and also cardio-vascular disease. detailed Benefits of green tea shall be discussed in upcoming posts.

Image courtesy of Photokanok at


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